Depression During the Holidays

Depression during the Holidays is real and can be extremely debilitating. While most enjoy the holiday, someone who battles depression daily can be filled with a feeling of horror.

 depression during the holidays

Horror is the actual feeling of depression. There is so much that is expected of us at the holidays and depression can make all that is expected very hard or not possible. It is very hard to describe. You feel so lost in a world of happy people and you wonder how they can be so happy when all you want is to find peace.

Depression is very hard to hide but some of us get really good at it. We have to hide it in order to be in the crazy world we live in.


Holidays are the worst for me, even more so since my husband left me and we got our divorce. You see, we have always been at the poverty level. Somehow I was always able to provide for my children and to make sure they had a great Christmas.

Now my children are all grown with children of their own. My grandbabies are my world. They have helped me through the depression of my divorce. Some of them are so small that they don’t even know.

The love of a grandchild is priceless, and a good grandma gives them all that love they give and more. It always makes my depression go into overdrive. Holidays and birthdays come around and this grandma has zero money to treat them like the special kids they are.


How do I deal? I play a lot of games to put my mind in a different place. Sometimes I will read a book. The biggest thing I do is to try to turn my emotions off. Don’t let anyone into my heart and mind for the holidays. It isn’t always the best place to be but it tends to make the holidays a little easier.

 depression during the holidays

We all handle depression differently. Unfortunately, some let the depression overpower them, and just hide from life as much as possible. Others try to drown their depression in alcohol or even worse in drugs.

Unfortunately many resort to suicide. I would just say to everyone out there that if you know someone with depression please keep in touch with them.

If you are suffering from depression there are many books and articles on the web that can help you. Get counseling, whatever it takes just ASK someone for help. There are a ton of things that can help.

 depression during the holidays

I hope that this holiday season we will see less suicides, and more love and understanding. If you have never had depression or anxiety you probably will never understand the actual pain that it causes. But believe me, it is real, it can be fatal, it is hard to understand most times. There is no cure but there is help.