Semi Driver Hard Life

semi driver

Being a semi driver is hard work and so distressing. People think it is such an easy job, no cares in the world, and money to burn.

Couldn’t be farther from the truth. My boyfriend is a semi driver, and some of my friends and family drive too.

Some of these drivers are loners, and some have a rider with them. Regardless if you have a passenger or not, it can still be pretty lonely. You are driving 8-10 hours a day, fighting with traffic and traffic jams. They have a specific time they are supposed to pick up and deliver their loads.

semi driver


Strapping the load down and tarping the load is the driver’s job. He doesn’t have help, and he has to climb up on top of the load to open the tarp and fit it to his load. He is also the one who has to un-tarp his load and unstrap it. It is not a quick and easy job. Most loads take an hour to tarp and un-tarp, in snow, rain, or excessive heat.

Most drivers do not have a bathroom on their trucks, so they have to stop at a truck stop to use the bathroom. If they want a hot meal, they go to the truck stop. For a shower and to do their laundry, they go to the truck stop.



The truck stop is their lifeline, some are amazing and have everything and then some, don’t have crap.

Hot coffee in the morning from the truck stop. Along with either a donut or breakfast sandwich. Fuel, if needed, then set off for the day of driving with the crazies.

Money to burn, hahahahha Most drivers make about the same money we do working our 40 hours a week. I’m not saying a factory worker I’m saying $400 to $900 a week. If he gets to run a 2200 mile run, it will double

The stress is very high because when you are driving a truck and trailer regardless if it is loaded or not, you are a moving football field. You are the size of a football field driving on roads that are just big enough for you. Then you have all these passenger vehicles that think they own the streets. Four wheeler’s, as the truckers call them. Continually cut off the semi’s. Getting onto the interstate from ramps, they don’t speed up before they cut in front of a semi.

If the traffic is clear, a semi will get over and let you in. But, if they can’t, you need to speed up and not cut in front of them. He CANNOT stop on a dime. Some of those trucks loaded are 80,000 pounds. Your car is around 4,500. Think of that next time you pull in front of one.

No semi is out to kill someone in a four-wheeler. But sometimes the four-wheeler gives the trucker no choice but to hit them, and you do not want 80,000 pounds of rolling semi hitting you. That is why a lot of truckers will try to avoid a crash and sometimes end up hurting or killing themselves. Four-wheelers may not realize the damage a semi can do, but rest assured a trucker knows and will avoid a collision at all costs.