Truckers and Coronavirus

truckers and coronavirus

Truckers and the Coronavirus is just a bunch of crazy risks for our primary haulers. These drivers are at risk daily, just doing their regular daily routines. But you add in the coronavirus, and it is life-changing.

How may you ask? Well, not only are they hauling precious cargo to every state, but some of these states are in total lockdown. No access to the state at all without 14-day isolation. Guess what, our truckers don’t have to isolate themselves for 14 days. Truck drivers can enter these states. Deliver their loads and sometimes pick up another.

There are only about eight states that are closed down entirely right now. What does that mean to the drivers? You go in you get out, stay away from people because they are afraid you are carrying the virus. And you know what else? My trucker plus two others from his company have to go to the epicenter in New York to deliver products. The fear for their safety is real!


Truck stops are open, but some of them are charging ridiculous prices. There was one guy who wanted just a sandwich and chili, which is usually $9. Not now, they tried to cost him $26. Is that supporting our truckers? HECK NO!! The restaurants attached to these truck stops usually have a buffet that the truckers can go into and enjoy a hot meal, not now. And most of the fast-food places are only doing the drive up. UMMM guess what, these trucks won’t fit.

And that leads to another problem. These drivers are having a hard time finding places to go to the bathroom and take a shower? They can’t use Fast-food places either, and they are locked up. Most gas stations don’t have room for a big rig to park. And some truck stops are hundreds of miles apart. Most of the truck stops have shut down their showers and laundry facilities.


When my trucker is close to home, I will usually see him, sometimes for a day or two. With the shutdowns, I can’t even do that. Sometimes he is gone for 4 or 5 months. Those few little meets help both of us.

My boyfriend loves his coffee in the morning. He has this big thermos he got from one of the truckstops. He can’t even get that filled, which tends to make him a grumpy Gus. They have to go to a window, tell the cashier what they want, the cashier goes and gets it, and brings it back and hands it to them, then they pay for it. Worried doesn’t even begin to tell the way I feel. Truckers are so at risk with the Coronavirus out there. They have so much to deal with already. They cannot even wash their hands several times a day, no water in the trucks.

If you have never been into a truck stop you are missing out on a lot of really cool things. But with this virus, they cannot go in and look around, get a little exercise from sitting all day. If they need something for the truck they can’t go look and see the choices, they have to tell the cashier and hope she knows what they are talking about.


So these great men and women are out there working their tails off to make sure it is possible for you to get what you need from your local stores. But they can’t even get a hot shower, wash their clothes, get a hot meal, or go to the bathroom. Truckers need our support with this Coronavirus here. But also after it’s over.

Let me tell you something else! Truckers are not getting paid extra to cover the higher prices of food or anything else, most of them are making less because their mileage per load is way less, most get paid by the mile.


Not only are they risking be exposed to the virus they are paying a big price just to be out there trying to live while getting products delivered.